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Welcome to your Long Weekend.

We offer quality waxing & skincare services. If you’re prepping for an event, a vacation, or if you want that, “I just got back from vacation,” glow- call for a free skincare consultation. Long Weekend is conveniently located in between Westfield Valley Fair mall & Mineta San Jose International Airport- perfect for the busy wanderluster.


Smooth Travels

Make your next trip a smooth trip with our waxing services.  Yes, waxing hurts- a little, but you will enjoy hair-free skin for up to four weeks!  We use a combination of hard and soft wax to help ease the pain.  Enjoy a long weekend with no worries of any peek-a-boo disasters.


Smooth Skin

Facials are a must to keep your complexion looking great. Make sure your skin is picture perfect for events and vacations. No plans this weekend? Fake the vacation glow with a rejuvenating facial that can be customized for any skin type.

Hello, Weekenders!

Become a Weekender V.I.P. and get ready for fun deals, helpful tips, and weekend wonderfulness. Enjoy!